Friday, January 2, 2009

Left 4 Dead review

I barely managed to buy Left 4 Dead for the 360 a couple days ago, it was sold out everywhere i went! It's a crazy game, 8.5 at least. This game has easy controls so you can get right into the action, the gore is fantastic, and the zombies are just perfect, i like how they spiced it up with those special zombies makes the game way more interesting and it keeps you on your toes.

In the campaign you have a choice between four likable characters: Bill, Louis, Francis and Zoey. Although there is no difference between the characters besides looks, it gives the game a more personal touch. These four survivors must face mad hordes of zombies in order to reach their evac point. Most zombies will just try and mob you using the "strength in numbers" kind of tactic. Occasionaly, though, you will get the special zombie, of wich there are four: Smokers, Boomers, Hunters and the notorious tank. Five if you count the witch. These zombies are smarter, stronger and harder to take down, each with their own unique ability, and they're all coming after you! The game does a good job immersing you into the game. The only problem i find is that it gets kind of repetitive, no matter which campaign you take: kill zombies, get to the safe house, kill more zombies then get to the evac point. Which is always great fun but if you're looking for any form of storyline then you will be dissappointed.

I noticed that the game takes a crazy jump in difficulty from advanced to expert. In advanced you can take a decent amount of hits and survive wheareas in expert, being constricted by a smoker will pretty much bring you to half health or lower. So far i have only managed to kill the Tank once on expert. The tank is called the tank for a reason, he can take and dish out massive damage. The only effective way to take him out is through tactics, using the environment and various items that you find along the way. This is where having humans playing along with you instead of coms is much more helpful. Coms tend to throw themselves right into the middle of the battle instead of taking them out from a safe distance. This can be extremely costly seeing as you only get a certain amount of health packs during the campaign and they are few and far between. Another thing you should watch out for is the witch, she doesn't have too much health, but she can put you on the floor in one hit, and unless your friends help you out, she can kill you a couple seconds after that.

This is a game that should have definately been made 4 player instead of co-op, it's really great playing with a group of friends, but it's a drag waiting for your turn. Unfortunately i don't have Xbox live, so i haven't experienced the online section of the game, which is supposedly the best part of it.

All in all, this game is very good. Although repetitive at times and has no storyline, it is simple and fun with friends. If you like getting right in the action and killing hordes of zombies, this game is for you.

Anything goes.

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